Wednesday, May 27, 2009

my WAR begin

WAR begin

gonna equip myself with weapon

ready for a 4 year fight

with no shortcuts

i know that mine war quite hard and had lots of people died (heard from lot of friends but i insist to ....... with no regret )but i swear i will back from the war with honour

sure be back .........sure

YOU must wait me ...... wait me

Monday, May 25, 2009

我妈妈 “吊” 人 T。T

Due to this post quite sensitive
so a password is needed
hint : mine phone number

Sunday, May 24, 2009


after chit chat with yen , we have a deeper knew about each other background story

yup maybe we should try before you give out even you have know the answer but at least you have try and satisfy for it

ya , for me : maybe ......but please give me some time hahahah ( but think i dont dare to try/doing it as it neeeeeeeds a lot of courage
just like jump from 17 floor )
but i still will give it a try

dont know why ... suddenly scare to start my couse

really scare ......
as there are more SMART / geng / 高手 personsssssz T.T

whovever you are wanna " fight "
come'on -----"put the horse come" hahahha

scare to fail any subject
scare cant reach the CGPA
scare cant knew more friends come from different daerah
actually quite scare cannot mix with them like campur air dengan minyak

due to cant sleep ( i also knew that i was thinking so much ) really cant sleep

scare how to go there for orientation
scare what should do to knew more friends
what attitude to act ?????? a serious guy , a silent boy , or just be a normal boy
what hair style wanna cut
what language should speak . BM?BI?MANDARIN?CANTONESE?HOKKIEN? ( nonsense |||)

the most excited for me is
1. knew more friends
2. enter X ( dont know can bo ??? )actualy yen , cj , and me had enter before .what a coincidence that time is "mass call"

** the most important is mine timetable **
why some engineering course already came out timetable but mine havent T.T

oh ya introduce you an old song 周传雄-出卖
people like inroduce new song but i like inroduce old song

till here , sweet dream for ME

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

MSN / Surprise !!!

actually , there s always something i didnt want expected to happen in my whole life / even some crazy act
but seems it still coming so ..... we can do nothing but just trying to prepare to face it

just like holidays gonna end soon , then course still need to continue
( cant stop it T.T )

i have heard another event from my foundation friend tosay, actually msn is for chit chating right ?????
but sometimes dont know why there s STRANGER will suddenly add you then ask you : who are you ?????

quite strange right?????? you are the 1 that add me , but under the situation you dont know me and i also dont know you ...then why did you add me ???????not you are the 1 should introduce yourself to me meh ??????? weird right !!!!!!

wait....... still got 10 .....5..... 4 ...... 3..... 2....... 1......minutes
60 s .. 50 s .. 40 s .. 30 s .. 20 s .. 10 s .. 5 s .. 4 s .. 3 s .. 2 s .. 1 s

>To : Jeslyn and Alicia


edited by : mr yee

today is my primary friend birthday ^^ just wanna wish them
HAPPY always ^^

Thursday, May 21, 2009

best lawyer

todays news ///
the time i see it i keep laughing ( that time i havent look detail but just only thr "big words")

if he (lawyer)say that hookers is doing a GOOD thing then why our government still need to catch them

different country diffrent rules mah

how dare he use this point to defend his client
anyway the client finally still guilty

i think the only point that the lawyer give out quite "BRAVE"

geng geng geng T.T

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


well ....this picture actually just post for "fun"

just now chit chat with secondary friend >>>KENNY TEE
( feel so sorry as i dont take photo with him before) so now wanna post his photo also cant T.T )

wow , the first sentences he talk with me is call me WAI KO .....
wow this 2 word long time didnt hear from his mouth so long ( +/- 1 year ) T.T
got a little touch really ^^

anyway , INDON KIA
WAI KO at here wish you all the best ^^
very enjoy to talk crab with you and also quite long time didnt scold ("diao") by you liao hahahh very miss your sound

as you promise me 1 ...... must remember to call me when you back to MY T.T
WAI KO wanna see you got grow up or not or still look the same
but i think i like the "old" KENNY hahah

AUGUST , i will be waiting for you ^^

Tuesday, May 19, 2009



the time i online to check it out

WOW .......

>my emotions

>yay i have pass because i thought my management must FAIL but seems everything is not as i expected by failing any subjectso i can only say : WOW
i am so damn LUCKY ^^

anyway , seem everyone have pass so.........28/5/2009 orientation we just meet there


>近来好像白痴一直等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等 着人家的电话或信息明明可以打给人家的又不敢鼓起勇气按着号码时又泄气了T.T
经过了几个星期的修心养性 。。。。。
总觉得这一年什么都没有做到酱 废人一个


>我今年 28/5/2009 开课
IF this 4 year in my college life i cant get (maintain)CGPA more than 3.0
1. i will never enter GENTING CASINO in my whole life even 17/5/2011
2. i will single forever

如有违此誓 , 天打雷劈

Sunday, May 17, 2009

my day

hmmm , even i also almost forget that my birthday is today hahah really......
i only realise when my another puteri titwangsa friend sms me at 12.08 am....
that time i was playing NEED FOR SPEED CARBON hahah ( when i lose then i straight go for sleep )

i only see my phone ........
quite touch that moment T.T i saw yours sms because ooooo i really forget liao
thanks thanks thanks

7.00 pm
i was hesitated sending a sms to her .......
because i think i was acting CRAZY ....
but i think as a boy shy , shame can never be a obstacle for me

finally , i started to type sms text to her

8.00 pm
finally , i have send sms to her ( after i send it , i have started to regret what have i done T.T )
during the moment having my dinner , quite much sms keep sending to my phone and i very excited to receiving sms by hoping that it was her sms ......
but was not

10.00 pm
after back from my aunty dinner , (extremely tired ) then keep play my NEED FOR SPEED

10.43 pm
i have receive 1 miss call and it was from .............

then ........
so .......

3.00 pm
now WE (mr. yee , CJay , me ) at setapak utar ....
also due to my computer "sot sot " = break so i cant online for 4 days
at the same time i think A-level candidate also having their test right now T.T
anyway ... wish you all the best ^^

(due to today only online at utar and i only see mine facebook and also friendster
wall , thank you thank you thank you T.T )
so i wish all my friends that take A-level all the best GAMBATEH ^^
min xian , timothy liew , terry yap , suat lay , derek lai , so on .......

Monday, May 11, 2009

i am so lucky

just now my secondary friend call me...............

as the LEADER that we see in the magazine will come out have a chat with me today at Genting Kelang.....

my friend say that it is really a golden chance for ME

that LEADER very hard to see him 1

you see i am damn lucky

so my decision now changing again .........

my friend told me that if i go see him today

my life , my story , my destiny will 360 degree change totally

he told me that
hung say : you are so lucky if you can go see him , 你的事业会平步青云 , 顺顺利利 .
wei hao say : ..............

hung say : anyway i hope you will come here today ...... no many people got such a chance like you
wei hao say : (that time i really stunted ) T.T

very tempting , especially the amount of $$$$$$$$$$

i can buy a lot of thing >>>>> white color BMW , latest XXXXX , many XXXXXXX , maybe also no need study

Wednesday, May 6, 2009



由于现在本公子 正处于 "备战" 状态

近来蛮喜欢到处 东看看 西看看 明星 艺人 朋友 的 blog

各各都写的超棒 耶
本公子 千辛万苦 finally had decided to add 1 more category to YOU all either as a blogger or a viewer which is
dang dang dang dang ********* STARZ BLOG ********

inside the category consists the starz i very like ^^
( i find it all myself except the Alice which copy the link from friend only )

i strongly recommend you all try to view it

and if you all like then maybe i will continue to add more to all of you oooo

inside got :

瑶瑶 ---- nowadays quite famous in TAIWAN , i think every guy will definitely
know her

陳漢典 --- artist i like MOST

Alice --- an artist open her another shoe business in taiwan **geng geng**

DUE to time problem so ... ...
actually i also find other artists 1 but they didnt update so frequently so i didnt link it

hope you all will really view through it

ohya , the DEWI 1 i gave just delete as it is not her actually ... ...
sorry for giving the wrong info please forguve me
let me so happy for 5 hour T.T as i thought is her
DEWI where are you ?? hahah , miss her so much ^^


今天本公子 去找 好久好久 好久 没有见到的 兄弟

几个月没见他罢了 , 好像壮了

像本公子酱 meh 拿去浸 油 都不会 肥 ...... haiz

听说他下个礼拜 四 就要考试 了 !!!!

也不敢打扰他太久 , 等下害到他就不好 lol

没办法 , form 6 嘛 他 昨天才刚刚考 MUET 罢了

所以 ... ...

想起从前 每个星期 五 , 我们 3 剑客 总喜欢到 <<唯一>> 去吃 "3 间庄"( name of mee ) 的

3 剑客 总爱到那儿 :

吹吹水 说说这 说说那 上至天文 下至地理 无话不说 废话连篇

就算是 冷笑话 也可以笑个 5 分钟


考完 SPM 过后 ......

去 三威 的去 三威 ;

去 中华 的去 中华 ;

去 幽大 的去 幽大 ;


一个 变 恶灵骑士

一个 变 夜行者

一个 变 form 6 小状元

but its okay as

all of us still have our own story to continue

but i believe we will able to meet again

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


本公子今天 想介绍各位 一本蛮不错下的书






< 若只有利益、自我,没有平安,赚再多钱,还是贫乏 >


**有时尝试停下脚步 , 看一看身边的人多多给于他们适当 关怀 关心 疼爱
您绝会得到你从未意想到的东西 **

i can only express my anger through changing my display picture only Flah CJB SH MCH XXXXXXXXXX i hate you i swear i wont talk to you anymore
Go hell lah i curse you go hell
我突然有很想干 掉 你 的感觉
hmm sorry for so rude i just wanna express my anger only......
hope you all can understand me thank you

if you got so many comment on mine then dont view my blog lah

Monday, May 4, 2009

推荐 台湾偶像剧

today wanna recommend you all a 台湾偶像剧


++++ i seldom and also dislike 台湾偶像剧 as it always mention LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE
but this 1 ( 痞子英雄 ) quite goood and can descrice as the 2nd 台湾偶像剧 i see till now

i just watch it 4 days ago

every character is extremely good




this time also got 1 hong kong artist involve too >>>>秦沛




Sunday, May 3, 2009






毕业了,当一切都被时间褪去了颜色,我们却还是会记得彼此相互嚣张和沮丧的日子,记得我们一起度过的一切一切,记得我们一起进过的old town,记得我们在 msn 里的窃窃私语......

我们看同样的video ,说同样的傻话,幻想不一样的未来,谈论同样的 她 ,我们很义气地一起翘课,一起跑出college 的 tutorial class



毕业了,曾经被我们无数次踏过的PA 146 此刻也空了。

正如PE block ,在一瞬间以前还是人声鼎沸的地方,在一秒钟的时间里突然安静得让人窒息

毕业了,我们还记得,可是那空空的PA 147 被新来的人填满后,还有多少个角落记得我们的过往……




毕业了,我们离开,刚建好的 cold storage ,正等待新来的人们,为他们的生命加上色彩,预留更多的空间去记录新的故事。


但是我们一起在前往 PE block 路上挥洒过的汗水;

我们一起在green bix分享过的快乐;

我们一起在PA 005的窃窃私语;





Saturday, May 2, 2009


finally settle everything haiz



如果自己 每样事 都要 烦 那本人岂不是很忙 sien 掉

近来发现本人 无论 心理 或 精神 需要很大很大很大大 调整

搞到我自己都 日有所思 夜有所梦

&)(@!#@#%#^%^!%&&有书不好好读 想酱多干什么 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

没办法啦 , 男生嘛 T.T 总是会有感情的

我也想有个人陪陪我 跟我一起笑一起哭

反正试也完了 ......

看来我得总是警惕自己 "伟豪啊 您是 想要 还是 需要 "
答案总是 XX

所以总是 作罢


End .........i also dont know what am i writing actually T.T

****近来我有想把 "本人" 改成 "贵公子" 可以吗 ?????just wanna ask YOU all hahah ****
**if too XXXXXX then 算了 **