Friday, January 30, 2009
those people really very "low"class !!!!
about 4-7pm , i am going to have "lunch" with my family ...
then suddenly i can see a disable people (woman) working at there !!!!
normally , is it we should feel pity for them and do not laugh at them right.....because them use their own effort to do their job/duty and to get paid do they have done anything which you may feel disgust???? NO right??????
then i see a family come in to have their lunch ..... then when they order their food they laugh at her .......they laugh at her for just only because the woman always smile to them for no reason and how dare theay say the woman "qi xiao"(crazy)
firstly , the time you see that woman , anyone of you sure can conclude that the women have some very very little " mental " probel only because she like to smile at people only....
then do her have done something wrong ... NO ....then , why need to laugh at her and also make fun of the women .......
the time i sit just beside them and seeing them keep make fun to her and keep laughing !!!!!!!!
for you all, what should you do ......
they really dont feel any shame meh???
memang memang memang "no maness" ( am i spell correct??) kurang ajar betul !!!!
the problem is those 6 people is about 20-30 years old !!!
is it their mother didnt teach them dont acting this meh ! ! ? ? ?
很好笑吗???有酱好笑??? 我真的不知道他们在笑 " 虾 米 "
没点家教 ......
those people inside got 1 couple ......then i can see the pretty girl just keep silent the time even her boyfriend also laughing.......i think they are from different level .....then maybe after today they will break (maybe) even his girl also 酱有家教 then 你有什么资格配得上他呢 ? ? ? ? ?is it because of 男生不坏女生不坏 ???
kkkk anger till here lol
i just hope YOU all should NOT laughing at disable people
至少他们靠自己的实力讨生活并没有做错什么, 有什么是值得你 去取笑他的资格呢 ??????? 奇怪 !!!!
你们的妈妈没有教过你们 meh??? 读多几年书啦 auntie uncle !!!!!!!!! 由我来教你 .......
算了也许我跟他们来自不同的阶级 !!! 你又如何??????
let me tell you something ...DO YOU KNOW her boss paid her 1 day for how much>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RM 1O for one day 8 hour
haiz , what can we do .......... i really wanna curse the BOSS that time i know
Friday, January 23, 2009
拥抱向征着关心 关怀 关爱
一旦婴儿哭闹时,身为母亲的可会将他们”放”在胸膛前以示>>>>呵护 , 而此等方法总是万试万灵……为什么呢????answer : 不擅于或不能表达的他们一出生唯有抱抱就能体会甚至有感觉爱的本能 , 这可是他们一出生也不必学的东西 ,也因此所有小孩最喜欢父母亲的拥抱 ! ! ! ! ! !
情侣们情到浓时也 超 爱拥抱以示>>>>爱的表现>>我爱你
寻死的人如果愿意回头望一回并给予他们一个爱的拥抱以示>>>>世界上是没有问题是解决不了的 ……
心舆心的交流往往是 最真实 最真的 而我们却往往忽略了它的存在性及可能性
下 亲爱的
………………………………………………..朋友 , 您拥抱了吗 ………………………………………………………终
原著: 王伟豪
在此祝各位:::::新年快乐 ^^
我爱你们 来个拥抱吧 ^^
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
happy memory//
all the subject fail need to be REPEAT BUT NOT RESIT which mean had to attend all the lecture and tutorial again again and again......... 想到都怕 huhuhuhuhhhuuh
i have finishing all the presentation with many of my friend very well although sometimes we got different opinion but we can still be tolerant and to process a better project , assignment and so on .
yaya, because of them i have learn a lot of thing compare to secondary me .......
still can remember that time(secondary school), i was really toooo 忧郁??? maybe just wanna a space to keep silent especially when test is around the corner in order to keep my brain "cold" .
below is some of my memory with all of "them"
this 1: my friensd just finish their presentation
i guess you know which 1 is me right??

primary friend
Friday, January 16, 2009
wah //yer //pain// introduction
my friends all go to green box to sing KKKKKKKKKK
yer ...i cant go there due to some personal problem..!!!
wanna know................................>>>>>>DONT WANT TELL YOU ^^ ! ! ! ! ! ! belanja me go GENTING together after finish test then maybe i will tell you....
my favourite song 离开地球表面 ...... no change sing..........anyway i hope they got sing this song lol
dont because of no girl go together always encore """"'''男人KTV """" then very sien 1.
anyway all of us know test is around the corner so (you should know lah ) as i dont want be your parents so "ngam cham"
just now 1 of my friend telll me that there are sooooooo many "leng lui" at time square(also green box) and they keep go in and out of their (green box) door as beside got a "bunch" of girl beside their room !!!!!!! hahah but i got no chance to see...(cry X 100)
anyway, sem 3 sure got chance 1 but dont know why leh if i got go oooooo sure cannot see many leng lui 1 but a lot of "lala"' which paint a lot of colour on their body.....
as i do not go with them so if you all got any thing wanna ask me can ask me on msn i will telll u about the scope and anything lah i am willing to tell you all !!!!!
oh i havent introduce myself lol........
name: wei hao
age : 18
sex : not female and also not "a gua"
school : you should know so dont want repeat ^^
favourite act : sit/ walk alone without saying anything just think nothing but my friends see me like that say me 忧郁 but actually no if you really know me then you will know lah
favourite song : i have say before
Day of Birth : same date and month with 王力宏 but not many people know (haiz)
hope : 像王力宏 酱 帅 虽 然我已有他的 80% 样貌 lah ...hahahhahhaha kidding lah
blood type: nurse will know as today i go donate blood !!!!!! but i see my blood is blue colur 1 !!!!
yer , maybe i am not human as the nurse( all malay no chinese) also surprise !!!!!!
now : still single and available so i am willing to wait you calling me go out ^^ but not "a gua" .... GIRL OR BOY only
hate : extremely hate doctor so i always keep an apple a day in my pocket so i am able to throw at doctor when my mom force me to visit him ! ! ! !
nickname : normally i prefer 豪豪 /豪 1 but not PK as it look more 亲切 ^^
like: extremely like to chat with friends through msn thats why i always online
口头禅: " 奇怪 "
wait : as this is my first time writing blog so hope anyone got write blog also can link me with the name 豪豪////伟豪 lolz if you dont like 豪(square)
meet : very like to meet new friends through facebook , friendster , msn
(男女皆可但最好是女) hahaha
first time: writing blog so if got 任何好意见可tell me/// 批评 的话 just tell me or msn me but not through chat box ..i am willing to change
purpose of writing blog : i hope through here i can know 你的近况,生活and so on(if you got writing blog) ..anything but i hope most of YOU is enjoying looking this blog ^^
kkkk lah till here later you all say me 长气 ! ! ! ! ! !
anyway ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
remember to buy MY fm CD oooooooooooooooooo wakaka
happy chinese new year ^^ remember drink "pop" as nowaday i always can hear iklan of "pop" at my fm even tv channal the song i also can sing......
pop 不是汽水 不是汽水
pop 是天然果味有汽矿泉水
my hand tired...........lazy to write
bye bye ^^
happy always^^
Thursday, January 15, 2009
the day without i jing!!!!!
now i got a new name ==="PK hao" right!!!!
tomorow TD 2 gonna go to green box sing K
but our class__tD2 dont know why very miss i jing lol
haiz why she dont want come to Utar leh ....
miss tee also very miss i jing and she ask me why always mention i jing????? i also dont know maybe our class only got 1 girl mah so we all very caring to her