then i squeeze inside lrt
i have waited solonhtill masjid jamekthen only got a seat for me .......
then i saw an old man standing as he do not have ability to fight a seat with teenagers......
then i stand up lol then giving him a sign to sit......
normally (for me each time i giving them a seat) those old man always like to "yi lao mai lao" ! ! they just sit down act like {you should do it as i am older than you even do not glance at you ......never
.....*****this is my own experience only******
today , something special happen......
this time, a old man say : thank you for XXXXX.....
i stunt for about 3 second and keep looking at him
i know that i will never forget his face......never
now,my team still rushing formany things......
this blogalsowrite at "school" 1
as i wanna express my appreciation to my partner : C Jay ..from you i have learn a lot of thing

thank you thank you and thank you(he is beside me actually T.T)