this is the longest post i write
Friday , i and my group finally have finish our long long presentation for management, web page design , drama .
first of all , i would like to express my gratitude/appreciation to YOU all : THANK YOU , arigato kozzaimas , 谢谢 , TERIMA KASIH .
i am very happy can be cooperate ( 合作 ) with you all as a team , group ,gang .
for example : drama , management asignment , webpage assignment and presentation , programming assignment X 2 , public speaking drama , computer assignment and so on (too many ......)
i always try to find different people to do group assignment because
我想尽量尝试跟不同的人 ( 不同性格 , 态度 , 教育 ) 一同完成 每一个 assignment
当然 every assignmnet sure always go conflict like
1.havent finish the work order by a leader
2.time constraints
3.different perspective/opinion
through this, we only can know HOW to understand other people and work well with them
for me , work with different people i have experience a lot lot of ecperience like the feeling of :
1.last minute work needed submit to teacher ( 那种感觉好像从 12 跳下来酱 )
2.project have been finish before the due date ( more relax )
and so on
当然少不了对不同的人说不同的话 像
简说 : 一种米养 ~万~ 样人
社会大学嘛 ......永远都学不完的......看书都很难学会的
只有去 体验 , 学习 从中学会不同的应对方法
although without scholarship ......road still need to be continue ......
(相信 ~你~ 也正在为 "100% SCHOLARSHIP" 努力吧 )
既然一切已成定局 就得学会放手 ( 我 )
好啦先说说这次去pc fair 的 story 先
that day is FRIDAY , also is my group management presentation . after we finish it then we straight go towards there
can you imagine in my bag just only have my cloth change for pc fair .other of my friend want go there with their FORMAL cloth !!!!!
but i insist wanna change my cloth.
before changing my cloth , we all have a photo with "miss management"

here is my team picture
i will describe from left to right
- Ah Meng
- from CHINA the most handsome in my TD....althogh from CHINA but also fluent in english and chinese hahah
- Shawn
- 潜水员一名......fluent in english and cantonese
- Alexander
- like to smile ^^...fluent in english , hokkien ,chinese
- Yi Herng
- a boy always silent in class 正所谓: 毋声毋声 , 吓你一惊
- Wei Hao
- simply say : RUBBISH MAN
- Jiacong
- the most smartest in my TD .....
我的偶像 , 我钦佩的人之一 , 不烟不酒不赌不爆粗不打人不骂人 , 大好人一个 , 永远的highest mark for every subject , 有求必应 , 有问必答 , ( 从他身上我学会了许许多多的东西 ) - miss managemenr = miss khor
- teach us management , the best lecture i met , pretty , always smile , 微笑时是最最最漂亮的 !!! 所以我说嘛 常微笑的 女生是 最漂亮的
we arrive at there about 12.45 pm
i have learn a lot of technology at there just go in "PCGURU" especially graphic , processor , laptop and so on
using 3 screen play : LEFT 4 DEAD and DEVIL MAY CRY 4.....geng geng geng
不过show girl 没有 DECEMBER 多 T.T
...蒙是蒙了点..但却是我最喜欢的........good jod XXX ( 你不会介意吧 )
我们从上走到下 从下走到上 回了 4 趟......当减肥 lol
妈呀 GUARD 比我还上镜 hahah
and i have met my secondary friend there :
1 yenn rou
2 chee liang
3 yun jia
4 joolyn
5 wai hung
6 siang jie
最后送上 TWIN TOWER ^^
闭幕 thank you thank you