well ....this picture actually just post for "fun"
just now chit chat with secondary friend >>>KENNY TEE
( feel so sorry as i dont take photo with him before) so now wanna post his photo also cant T.T )
wow , the first sentences he talk with me is call me WAI KO .....
wow this 2 word long time didnt hear from his mouth so long ( +/- 1 year ) T.T
got a little touch really ^^
anyway , INDON KIA
WAI KO at here wish you all the best ^^
very enjoy to talk crab with you and also quite long time didnt scold ("diao") by you liao hahahh very miss your sound
as you promise me 1 ...... must remember to call me when you back to MY T.T
WAI KO wanna see you got grow up or not or still look the same
but i think i like the "old" KENNY hahah
AUGUST , i will be waiting for you ^^